Why are North American Parks so Successful

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Why are North American Parks so Successful?


Author: Jenny Lin


When we think of National Parks, many will be reminded of Yellowstone (USA) and Banff (Canada) both of which are located in North America. They hold beautiful scenery and is the dream destination for many foreign travelers. In fact, North America contain many more parks with similar characteristics.



Yellowstone National Park (USA)


But what makes these parks so wonderful? The answer all comes down to their long history, continuous adaptation and management development. After careful research I have found a number of management strategies that may have possibly been a part of the answer to their success.



Jasper national park (Canada)


1 .The implementation of collaborative management strategies with national authorities, corporates, education institutes, NGOs, and local communities. By gathering knowledge from various social crowds, decision makers are able to gain a deeper understanding of the socio-environmental concerns in each park and consider issues from multiple perspectives.



Round table meetings are a common type of stakeholder gathering event